
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Project RS-52

My friend Tatie from France invited me to participate in the "Rural Sketchers" Project RS.52. Each member does a quick sketch each week that is to be completed in 10/15 minutes. Sketch must be done from real.. no photos. Each week there is a posted subject to be sketched. This week the subject is: "Your favourite drawing tools: pen, pencil, watercolour, etc".

As you can see my favourites are watercolour, my fancy ceramic palette and my drawing boards. I keep two boards with the one shown remaining upright and the second flat. My paintings  are done with the paper stretched and taped to foam board (Incredible Art Board) either 24" x 32" or 16" x 24". This makes it easier to handle multiple paintings at the same time. When I go out, (other than with my sketchbooks) I take a 16" x 24" foam board with paper pre-stretched.

My first a very humbling 15 minutes :-(

"RS-52 Week #1"
[Click on image for larger view]

1 comment:

  1. Do it! If you can make it every week, you will NOT regret it in 12 months.
